What we innovate
Augmented Locality
Usually, we speak of augmented reality when things that we see in real life get enriched by digital visual elements. Referring to that, we created the notion of augmented locality, meaning that Winkt enriches your present location with extra information and contacts.
Places and people belong together
Digitalization makes us believe it didn´t matter where we live or work - but that is not true. It does matter! Put bluntly: we are defined by where we are.
It is not the location only but rather the people who live around us and who make the place the way it is. Winkt builds upon the belief that we all want to have an impact in life that can be felt in direct personal contact with others - hence with the ones nearby. Therefore, our Winkt solution puts the unity of user and location into the center of design and technology.
What we envision
A social reality platform for hyperlocal happening
Winkt takes the established elements of social media, disassembles them, and assembles them again in such a new way that the reality - defined by right here, right now - is put into the center of attention. There is no such platform on the market yet that is consistently dynamic-hyperlocal.

What we expect
The raise of AuthenTech
We think of Winkt as a merge of augmented locality and AuthenTech industry. We are developing a new direct way of authentic location- and content-based communication with community, intention, and value at its heart. This article expresses it in such good words:
What we value
Inspiration and diversity
Some of us can´t keep track of new forms of digital interaction and innovation. Others have seen it all, suffer from social media fatigue and fancy "digital detox". We as co-founders of Winkt know it from our own experience. We understand. Therefore, Winkt is easy and focused on what is relevant in the present moment right here, right now.

What we plan
Customer support and convenience
There is a lot of experience and learnings in the market when it comes to location-based anonymous messenger services or social online network design. Think of data protection, accessibility, customer service, brain triggers, or mitigation actions in case of abuse. We are working constantly on innovating anyone of these issues and challenge our ideas with experts in the fields.
What we are passionate about
Public space as social hub
The idea of Winkt is our answer to the pandemic. We are passionate about people looking away from the screen and get in contact with real people nearby. Winkt wants to be the trigger. We are up and running to enrich public space, inner cities, and crowded locations or events with valuable, helpful, and interesting information. Winkt gives the power to the ones onsite.

What we have in our calender
Debates, networking, and promotion
On Saturday, Aug 14th, at Berlin Questions - Conference for the immediate present we will answer the question: If you only had five minutes, how would you describe your metropolis of the future?
Kiez-Summit 2021
The hyperlocal future
At Kiez-Summit: Hyperlokal die Welt retten Tickets, Do, 26.08.2021 um 17:00 Uhr | Eventbrite we will answer the question: What opportunities and risks have hyperlocal solutions like Winkt? How are we going to build a strong rope team of Berlin start-ups which all share the same expectations of hyperlocal business models?
Good read on the issue - however in German language: Hyperlocal: Der Ort bin ich (zukunftsinstitut.de)

FoundersXChange Capital Day
Winkt faces questions
At FoundersXChange Capital Day on Nov 23rd, we answered the question of what market potential the Winkt idea has and why it is just the start of something big.
Trends we are following include the 15-Min-City initiatives, the growing number of near-me searches on google, and Smart or Circular city initiatives.
HTW Berlin & Macromedia
University Collaboration
Meanwhile, we have already supervised 27 student theses on different Winkt topics, which were created by Bachelor and Master students of HTW Berlin, IronHack Schook, and Macromedia University.
For the winter semester of 2022, more collaborations are already being planned.